Counseling, College and Career Information - APG
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Counseling and College and Career Information
On this page you'll find information about a variety of resources from our Counseling Office and the College and Career Center as well as information about College in Canby.
Want to learn more about what dual credit courses Canby offers, college admission, internships, AVID and more? This page has it ALL.
Canby High School offers many opportunities for students to earn college credit. Many graduating seniors finish Canby High School with college credits, which can allow for significant savings after high school in college or community college. For more information, students can go to the Counseling Office or the College and Career Center.
Canby High School, in conjunction with Clackamas Community College, Portland Community College, Blue Mountain Community College, Central Oregon Community College and Oregon Tech (Wilsonville), offers students the opportunity to earn college credit on the CHS campus. The curriculum matches with courses offered at the college and the CHS instructors meet the requirements to teach college courses. There are dual-credit courses available in academic as well as elective programs for grades 9-12. Dual credit classes are labeled by colleges differently: dual credit, advanced college credit, college credit now, etc. It depends on the college. In order to earn the college credit, students register online with the college and pay from $0-$25 per college credit. The grades earned will be a part of the student’s permanent college record.
Visit the College in Canby page for more information!
Advanced Placement is a national program, run by the College Board, to provide opportunities to do college-level work while still in high school. Students take a college-level AP class, taught by trained CHS instructors, preparing them to take the national AP exam in May. There is a fee associated with this exam. Depending on the student’s score, colleges may choose to grant credit or waive prerequisites.
Every student is encouraged to take at least one AP or dual credit class in high school. In AP classes, students face new challenges, learn new skills and dig deeper in subjects.
Canby High offers 13 AP classes (pending class subscription):
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus
- AP Chemistry
- AP Computer Science A
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP European History
- AP History
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP Psychology (new 2023-24)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- AP Statistics
- AP US History
Transferring College Credits
The credits earned in dual credit classes are transferable to most colleges and universities nationwide; however, families are encouraged to check with prospective colleges for details on transferable credits.
Senate Bill 300 creates opportunities for high school students age 16 and over to take courses on a college campus that are not offered by their home high school. Interested students must meet with their counselor as well as an advisor at Clackamas Community College. Students must provide their own transportation and may need to take CCC placement tests and score at the appropriate level.
College Planning

Visit the Counseling Office and College & Career Center for more information!
Students who are interested in attending college should begin planning early in high school. Counselors and the College and Career Center staff are available to help students research their various options and choose the school (four year institution, community college or vocational/technical school) that best fits their interests and needs.
The Counseling Office has various sources of information such as college or scholarship opportunities including Naviance and SAT and ACT test information.
During the fall and winter months, representatives from colleges throughout the United States visit with interested students in the College and Career Center.
High school grades remain one of the best predictors of success in college, but admissions officers take a close look at the rigor of academic preparation, the types of courses a student chooses.
Many admissions boards have a formula to weight grades in Honors and Advanced Placement courses higher than less rigorous courses. For example, the University of California system grants five points for an “A” and four for a “B” in Honors courses. The practice encourages students to take more challenging courses.
Also, remember that extracurricular activities will be very important on a student’s record, but not to the exclusion of academic requirements.
In February, Canby offers all Juniors the opportunity to take the ACT test free of charge at Canby High School during the school day. The ACT is the leading US college admissions test, measuring what students learn in high school to determine their academic readiness for college.
The Pre-ACT is administered in grades 9 and 10, giving students practice with a structured testing environment similar to what they will experience when taking the ACT their junior year. This helps students get comfortable with the test and understand how they’re doing in core subjects. It also helps parents and educators identify areas where additional support might be necessary.
College Athletics
Senior athletes who want to participate in Division I or II college athletics must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Students must also have their ACT or SAT scores sent directly to the NCAA Eligibility Center by using the “9999” college code at those registration sites.
To be eligible for Division I or II athletics, students must register with the Eligibility Center and meet minimum core credit requirements (16), minimum GPA requirements, minimum test scores (SAT or ACT), and graduate from high school. PLEASE NOTE: The minimum core course requirements for freshmen athletic eligibility at Division I schools is higher than the core course admission requirements for many of those Division I four-year colleges.
- Not all CHS academic classes meet NCAA core requirements (check the Counseling blog or speak with your counselor).
- Online or Proficiency Based Credit classes do not meet requirements.
- Remedial, special education and ELL classes do not meet requirements.
Applicants must satisfactorily complete at least fifteen credits of college preparatory work in the following subject areas:
- English: (4 credits) Shall include the study of the English language, literature, speaking and listening and writing with emphasis on and frequent practice in writing expository prose during all four years.
- Mathematics: (3 credits) Shall include first year algebra and two additional years of college preparatory mathematics selected from geometry (deductive or descriptive), advanced topics in algebra, trigonometry, analytical geometry, finite mathematics, advanced applications, calculus, probability and statistics or courses that integrate topics from two or more of these areas (one credit is highly recommended in the senior year). Algebra and geometry taken prior to the ninth grade will be accepted. Students must have completed, at a minimum, the Algebra II level (or equivalent) to meet the math requirement.
- Science: (3 credits) Shall include a year each in two fields of college preparatory science, such as biology, chemistry, physics or earth and physical science. One laboratory science unit is recommended.
- Social Studies: (3 credits) Shall include one year of US History, one year of Global Studies (World History, Geography, etc.) and one year of a social studies elective (Government strongly recommended).
- World Language: (2 credits) Two years of the same high school level second language, or a C- or above in the third year of a high school level language, or two terms of a college level second language with a grade of C- or above, or satisfactory performance on an approved assessment of a second language knowledge and/or proficiency. Demonstrated proficiency in American Sign Language (ASL) is acceptable in meeting the second language requirement.
- Private and other out-of-state colleges and universities: Selective private and public colleges and universities vary in admission criteria. Students must investigate entrance requirements early to ensure adequate planning time to enroll in necessary coursework. Counselors and the College and Career Center staff can assist students in locating specific college catalogs or websites outlining requirements.
NOTE: Oregon universities will not accept D grades in college prep core courses. See your Counselor for more details.
- UO University of Oregon
- OSU Oregon State University
- PSU Portland State University
- SOU Southern Oregon University
- WOU Western Oregon University
- EOU Eastern Oregon University
- OT Oregon Tech
- High school graduation
- 15 core credits with a grade of C or higher
- SAT/ACT scores (most colleges have removed this requirement)
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (EOU and WOU will accept students with a 2.75 or higher GPA)
Each university has a process for admitting students who do not meet the automatic admission requirements. See the school’s website to the right for more information.
College & Career Center
Visit the College and Career Center page for more information!
Our College and Career Center is a hub of information and resources for our students! Sign up for college visits, schedule job shadows, meet with an ASPIRE volunteer, get scholarship help, learn more about the trades, and see what businesses are hiring!
Do you need help getting ready for an interview? Do you need to update your resume? What about tips for searching for a job? Bring your lunch on Wednesdays, and we can help you!
Students should come to the College and Career Center to sign up to get information from colleges and trade schools.
Students of all ages can sign up!
Representatives from a variety of colleges and trade schools from all over the United States schedule informational sessions that students can attend. Check out the College and Career Center page and Announcements for more information and upcoming visits.
Join us during lunch on Tuesdays for Industry Chats. Learn more about what industry you are interested in! We will supply the popcorn!
Future Focus
Future Focus is a required class for graduation at Canby High School. In Future Focus, students will gain important skills to help drive their future career paths. School interest inventories, resume writing, mock interviews, job shadows, college and career exploration, and financial literacy are key elements for student success.
ASPIRE is a mentoring program, located in the College and Career Center, that matches students with adult volunteer mentors from the community to help navigate higher education interests. They help high school students plan, prepare and achieve their post-secondary education goals, which may include college or a vocational/technical school.
ASPIRE volunteers educate students and families about the scholarship application process and other options for paying for a post-secondary education. They meet regularly with students in the presence of school staff to assist with a variety of activities, such as academic preparation, college choice, and college application.
All students are encouraged to participate in the ASPIRE program and sign up to meet with an ASPIRE volunteer. Want more information? Visit us in the College and Career Center.
A job shadow gives a student the opportunity to explore potential career interests. This experience involves having face-to-face conversations between the student and job shadow host, and allowing the student to see what that specific career environment may look like. Students can sign up for more than one job shadow.
The College and Career Center hosts an annual job fair in the Spring, featuring local businesses looking to hire Canby High School students. 25+ local businesses participate and interview students on the spot. It’s a great opportunity to get interviewed and hired in one place!
Making a significant connection with the world of work is critical for youth and our economy. Canby High School has partnered with Clackamas Community College and local area businesses and community organizations for the Canby High School Internship Program.
What is AVID?
AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination.
AVID, a rigorous program designed to prepare students for college and careers, began at CHS in 2017-18. AVID is an acceleration program, not an intervention program, with three main components including academic instruction, tutorial sessions, and motivational activities. Students in the AVID elective meet daily with the same teacher and participate in tutorial sessions twice a week for four years. Students learn how to access difficult curriculum and persevere through “points of confusion,” so they gain the skills to succeed in challenging courses. Students are expected to enroll in challenging Advanced Placement and dual credit classes.
NOTE: Each AVID elective class is a year-long commitment.
An AVID student should:
- have a 2.0-3.5 GPA
- have average to above average test scores
- exhibit college potential with support
The AVID student profile also includes first generation college students, with a desire to improve, and an end goal of college acceptance. The only strict requirement is the student’s desire to be part of the challenging AVID elective class.
CHS has multiple teachers trained in all content areas in AVID strategies, including the entire math department. Teachers purposefully use high engagement strategies to promote higher level critical thinking and metacognitive skills. Teachers participate in in-service workshops throughout the year learning and refining their instructional approaches using AVID strategies.
Check out the CHS AVID page for more information and resources or
Please contact:
Travis Opperman, CSD AVID Coordinator or 503.263.7200, x5451
Students AVID students are enrolled in the school’s most rigorous classes, such as Advanced Placement, and attend an academic elective class—called AVID—taught within the school day by a trained AVID teacher. AVID students exemplify our three Bs: Be Present, Be Respectful and Be Empowered. They are leaders in the school.
Tutors/Tutorials Tutors are essential to the success of the AVID elective class, where they facilitate student access to rigorous curriculum. Students in AVID electives spend 40% of their time in tutorials with cross-age tutors who have received 6 hours of formal training in the tutorial format. Our cross-age tutors include peers (juniors/seniors), community members, student teachers, and faculty. The goal of the tutorial is to get the students to clarify any confusion by asking them questions to work through their difficulties rather than providing them answers. Many AVID graduates return to the high school setting to work as AVID tutors.
Community Colleges demonstrate their support of AVID programs in many ways. They may provide class speakers, offer college credit courses to AVID high school students, include AVID students in residential, academically-oriented summer bridge programs, and follow and support the progress of AVID students during their college careers. The community supports AVID by providing speakers and summer apprenticeships for AVID students.
Faculty One key to a successful AVID program is a site coordinator/teacher who is a respected site instructional leader who works well with secondary school personnel and college students and faculty. This person organizes curriculum as well as activities and is committed to serving the needs of target students. The coordinator also works with colleagues to implement AVID methodologies school-wide, to place students in college preparatory curriculum, and to work with counselors to guide students through the college application process.
More parent resources on how to help your student at home can be found at This information is good for all parents.
Please note: Students cannot forecast for this course. There is an application process that takes place in February and March, students submit an application, get teacher recommendations and are interviewed by the Canby High School AVID team.
If accepted, students and parents sign a contract committing to the year-long elective.
Program History
Canby School District offers a Dual Language Immersion program (DLI) starting in kindergarten at Trost Elementary. Trost began the DLI program in 2005. Students, regardless of their home language, begin learning in English and Spanish in kindergarten. Students learn subject area content in English and Spanish at every grade level and are working to be bilingual, bi-literate and bicultural members of our community. We are excited to say the program is now a K-12 DLI program in the Canby School District. In the 2017-2018 school year, the first class of DLI students graduated from Canby High School and many of those students were awarded with the Oregon Seal of Biliteracy. We are excited to continue to graduate students from this program!
- The Seal of Biliteracy is a national award recognized by colleges and universities around the United States. The seal is an attraction for future employers that are seeking bilingual employees with high levels of Spanish proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Some colleges and universities aware credits or scholarships for attaining the Oregon State Seal of Biliteracy.
- Students will need to meet regular graduation requirements in order to be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy.
- CHS Students can earn the Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating Spanish proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening and scoring at the intermediate high level (level 6) on the STAMP test. OR,
complete a portfolio of evidence with scored work samples in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Pathway to the Seal of Biliteracy

- Complete K-6 at Trost Elementary or demonstrate Spanish proficiency skills with the STAMP test to enter the DLI program at Baker Prairie Middle School (or other grade levels).
- Complete Spanish Language Arts/Humanities andScience in Spanish at Baker Prairie Middle School.
- Complete 2.0 credits of DLI course offerings at CHS to earn your program completion cord upon graduation.
Dual Language Class offerings at CHS
- DL Honors Language and Literature 1
- DL Honors Language and Literature 2
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- DL Latin American Music
Class offerings are subject to change as we work to expand and grow our DLI program options.
For more information about the DLI program at CHS:
- visit the Canby Dual Language Immersion Program page and/or
please contact:
Danielle Reynolds-Young, Teaching & Learning Coordinator and/or 503-263-0017